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UserForm1 A) Special References Add. 1 Microsoft Speech Object Library; Path= C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Speech\Sapi.dll. B) Normal Reference Add. 1 Visual Bas?c For Applications; ...
I want friends to feel like they are on bvacation/b when they come over ? unlike anything else in Oklahoma City :). bethmaster020509.jpg >> See Slideshow. Resources: For cool Tile: Interceramic.com has some cool tile, (kitchen backsplash, master bath) Denim, Glow, b..../b view btomurcuk's/b profile. Oh WOW! I love it! It's beautiful and daring! I love the bathroom too. It's amazing how it's kind of the flipside of the coin to the daring colors. Calm, but just as beautiful! ...